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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Aug 19-22, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

August 1792

Sunday 19  Moderate breezes & fine Weather PM Carpenter Employed making Main Topmast Tressel Trees at ½ past 2 made the Signal to the Commodore on seeing land the body of the Island bearing S33W distant 9 Leagues at ½ past 5 answered the Signal to come within Hail in Top Gallant Sails at 6 the body of the Island in sight SW½S distant 5 Leagues in 1st reef of the Top & Fore & Aft Mainsail AM Moderate & Cloudy at 6 out all reefs & at 7 Bore up & set Top Gallant sails at 8 the Island in sight bearing One from SE½S to S¼W One from South to SW½W One from WbN to West & a small one WSW at Noon Fresh breezes & pleasant Weather the extreams of the Island in sight from SE to EbS also saw an Island bearing W½N distant 10 or 11 Leagues .. In Company with the Providence

Monday 20  Light breezes & Cloudy Weather at 6 PM Bearings of the Island in sight One from N48°W to N52°W One from N58W to N75°W distant 10 Miles AM Fresh breezes & Cloudy Tacked Ship Occasionally per Signal at 6 bore up & set Top Gallant Sails got the Main Top Gallant mast royal mast & Top Gallant mast on deck struck the Main Topmast unrigged it & got down the broken Tressel Trees fitted the new One & rigged & fidded the Topmast Swayed up the Top Gallant & Royal masts set the rigging up got up the Top Gallant yard & set the Sail served Sweet Wort Sour Krout & Portable Soup at Noon Fresh breezes in Company with the Providence

Sunday 21  Moderate & hazey Weather PM People Employed upon the rigging Saw an Albetross Wore Ship & hauled our wind Occasionally as per Signal AM Moderate & hazey Wore Ship Occasionally per Signal at 6 Bore up & made Sail saw several Tropic & a number of other birds broached the 4th. Butt of Water in the Ground Tier rove new yard Tackle [?] at Noon Moderate breezes & fine Weather in Company with the Providence

Wednesday 22  Moderate breezes & fine Weather PM People employed upon the rigging Sailmaker making a [Main?] for the Cutter in Top Gallant Sails 1st reef of the Topsails & Fore & Aft Mainsail AM Moderate & cloudy at 6 out reefs & set Top Gallant Sails saw a number of Man of War birds Served Sourkrout Portable Soup & other necessaries as usual at Noon Fresh breezes & pleasant Weather in Company with the Providence

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