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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Aug 10-14, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

August 1792

Friday 10  Fresh breezes & Cloudy at ½ past 1 PM Answered our Signal to come within hail at[?] bearings of the Islands in Sight One South One NE & One NW½N at 5 answered the Signal to come within hail AM at [?] Cloudy Tacked Ship Occasionally at 8 the bearings of the Islands in sight One N42°W One N78°W & One from SSW¼W to WbS distant 3 or 4 Leagues Answered the Signal to come within hail fitted new Slings to the Fore yard At Noon Fresh breezes & Cloudy the extreams of the Islands in Sight which we suppose to be the Southermost Islands from S22°W to S30°W distant from the body 8 Leagues in Company with the Providence

Saturday 11  Fresh breezes & Cloudy Weather at 6 PM the extreams of a Cluster of Island in sight from S58°W to N60W & One S60W distant 5 or 6 Leagues AM Fresh breezes with Rain at 6 set Studding Sails at 8 Land in sight the extreams from N56°..30W to N40°..30W Table mount N55°..30′W distant 10 Leagues Sailmaker mending the Jib People Washing & Mending their Cloaths at Noon Fresh breezes & Squally with Rain the extreams of the Land in sight from N24°30′W to N38°E & the Table mount N20W distant 5 Leagues in Company with the Providence

Sunday 12  Fresh breezes & Cloudy Weather PM People employed as before at 4 In 1st reef of the Main Topsail & 2nd of the Fore Topsail & Fore & Aft Main Sail Answered the Signal to haul our Wind on the [?] & to haul upon a Wind AM Fresh breezes & hazey with rain at 5 out all reefs & set Studding Sails at Noon Moderate & fine open Cloudy Weather in Company with the Providence

Monday 13  Light breezes & fine Weather at ½ past 3 PM In Studding Sails AM Light breezes & open Cloudy Weather Sailmaker Employed mending the Studding sails Seamen upon the rigging at Noon Squally In Top Gallant Sails & lowered the Main Sails In Company with the Providence

Tuesday 14  Fresh breezes & Squally with rain PM at 1 I went on board the Commodore on duty & at 6 returned on board Made & Shortened Sail Occasionally in Squalls Double reefed the Topsails & handed Top Gallant Sails aM Fresh breezes & Cloudy at 6 out all reefs & set Top Gallant Sails People variously Employed broached the 2 Butt of Water in the Ground Tier At Noon a Fresh breeze In Company with the Providence

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