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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook May 16-21, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

Moored in Matavie Bay Otaheite

May 1792

Wednesday 16  All these 24 Hours Fine Weather PM Carpenter finished caulking the Bends .. Scrubed the Launches bottom .. Fresh Rigged the Top Gallant yards & blacked them AM Employed Scrubing & Washing the Ship within & without Picking Oacham & Overhauling blocks Payed the Ships Sides with Tallow &c

Thursday 17  First & Latter parts Moderate & Cloudy Middle Open Cloudy Weather PM People variously employed Righted Ship & hoisted the Launch up on the other Side Received Water on board AM Hauled up the Cables & Cleaned the Tiers Boatswain Employed overhauling blocks Carpenter caulking the Starboard bends Gunner Cleaning Small Arms Sailmaker Repairing the Main Topsail & Seamen working up Junk

Friday 18  First part Moderate & Cloudy The Carpenter finished the Starboard bends & payed them & the Ships Sides with Tallow Coiled the Cables below . Employed as before Middle part Ditto Weather Latter Fresh breezes & Squally with rain Employed as before Unshipt the Capstan to haul the Sein caught some Fish which were distributed them to the Ships Company Natives Trading as usual

Saturday 19  First part Fresh breezes & Squally Employed as before Middle part Light Airs with heavy Rain at ½ past 1 AM The Providence Fired 2 Musquets lowered down our Jolly boat & sent her after a Boat that had put off from the Providence in search of an Indian who had swam off from the Shore & Stole some Cloaths lost sight of him it being very dark & could not see him again. The boat returned on board ... Latter part Moderate & Cloudy Weather Sent a Party to haul the Sein .. They returned with some Fish they had caught which were distributed to the Ships Company Received Water per Jolly boat, People Employed Washing & Mending their Cloaths ... Very few Natives off Trading

Sunday 20  Moderate & Hazey PM People Employed as before AM Fresh breezes & Cloudy Weather Mustered the Ships Company & Performed Divine Service to them At Noon the Weather as before Natives Trading as usual

Monday 21  Fresh breezes & Cloudy AM Gunner Employed cleaning Small Arms Carpenter sawing up a [?] for Firewood Boatswain upon the Rigging Seamen working up Junk & Sailmaker putting a Cross yard on the Main Top Sail .. A few Natives Trading as usual

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