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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Apr 4-6, 1792

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

April 1792

Wednesday 4  Fresh breezes & fine open Cloudy Weather Coiled the Small bower Cable below Sailmaker Employed fitting the 2nd. deck Awning at 4 PM The Providence hauled her wind having dropt a Hammock Overboard .. we did the same & in Stays carried away the Fore Topmast Studding Sail boom .. made a Tack & the Providences boat picked up the Hammock at 5 Wore Ship & stood on our Course AM Moderate & Clear Sailmaker Employed as before Marines cleaning Small Arms & Carpenter making a Cover for the Necessary .. Cleaned below Aired with Fires & washed with Vinegar .. Marines Exercised at Small Arms & Fired at a mark At Noon Fresh breezes & Squally with Rain at times Providence WNW 1 Cable ... Served Wheat Portable Soup & Sweet Wort as usual

Thursday 5  All these 24 Hours Fresh breezes & open Cloudy Weather Made & Shortened Sail as necessary People Employed repairing the defects of the rigging Marines cleaning Small Arms & Sailmaker as before AM at 10 The Commodore made the Signal for seeing Land Answered Ditto & Saw the Land bearing from WbN to SSW .. Bent the Small Bower Cables & Buoy Ropes & got the Best bower Anchor clear for letting go .. At 11 Squally in 1st. Reef of the Topsails At Noon Ditto Weather The Extreames of the Land bearing from S60E to N69E & the Providence NW 1½ Cables Exercised the Ships Company at Small Arms

Friday 6  First part Fresh breezes & Cloudy PM ½ past 12 Bore up & set Studding Sails Seamen & Marines cleaning Small Arms Sailmaker Employed as before Exercised Small Arms & fired at a mark Middle parts Fresh breezes & fine Weather Latter Moderate & Clear People Employed washing & mending their Cloaths & Carpenter painting the Cutter At Noon Ditto Weather Providence NNW ¾ of a Cable ... Served Wheat Borecole & Portable Soup

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