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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Nov 30-Dec 5, 1791

Remarks on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

Moored in Table Bay Cape of Good Hope

November 1791

Thursday [Wednesday] 30  Fresh breezes & Squally PM Employed stowing away the Spirits Middle part Squally Weather Latter Moderate & fine Received on board 32 Bags of Flour AM Anchored here an Imperial East India Ship Received 22 pounds of Mutton & 15 of Bread


Friday [Thursday] 1  First part fine Weather PM Employed upon the Rigging & stowing away Flour & making Bags at 7 Arrived a French Frigate Middle part Ditto Weather Latter moderate & cloudy Employed working up Junk At Noon Light breezes & Cloudy Received on board 5 Bags of Raisins 4 Ditto Barley 5 Ditto Calavances a Small Cask of Wind 1 Firkin 1 Cag of Rice 20 pounds of Mutton & 18 pounds of Bread Sent Mr. [Sherrand?] Andrew [Golder?] & William Carter to Sick Quarters Sailed hence an American & a Dutch East Indiaman

Saturday [Friday] 2  Moderate breezes & Clear Weather PM Stayed the masts & set the Rigging up Fore & Aft Received the 2 Topsails from the Tent AM Moderate & Cloudy Weather Employed Robin & Pointing a Top Sail & working up Junk Fitted new Top Gallant yards Received William Dyer from Sick Quarters Received on board 23 pounds of Mutton & [18?] pounds of Bread Sailed hence the Chaser Received Robert Scott from Sick Quarters

Sunday [Saturday] 3  First part Fresh Gales & Cloudy at 4 PM down Top Gallant yards & Struck lower yards & Top Gallant masts Employed as before at 3 Arrived an English Whaler Middle & Latter parts Moderate & Cloudy Weather AM Sent 2 Topsails & a Fore Topmast Staysail on Shore to be repaired Employed working up Junk Arrived French Merchantman Received 25 pounds of Mutton & 18 pounds of Bread

Monday [Sunday] 4  First part Fresh Gales & Cloudy Weather PM Employed lacing Matts to the lower Rigging & Sewing hide on the Stays AM Ditto Weather Got the Sails up to Air Received 25 pounds of Mutton & 15 pounds of Bread At Noon Strong Gales & Hazey Weather

Monday 5  Fresh Gales & Cloudy Weather PM Stowed the Sails in the Sail Room AM Ditto Weather Received the Top Gallant Sails & Scrubed them with Salt water Employed drawing the knotting yarns Received on board 25 pounds of Mutton & 25 pounds of Bread

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