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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook Jun 4-14, 1791

Remarks &c on board His Majesty's Brig Assistant

Lashed alongside His Majestys Ship Brilliant at Deptford

June 1791

Saturday 4  All these 24 Hours Fine Weather. Received on board 3 Hogsheads of Rum & Ditto Brandy 1 Halfhogshead of Arrack & Sundry Boatswains & Carpenters Stores. AM Hoisted our Colours it being the Kings Birth day

Sunday 5  Fresh breezes & Fine Weather. Employed getting off Stores.

Monday 6  Ditto Weather. Employed getting Stores & into a Gun boat

Tuesday 7  Ditto Weather. PM Got off the Spare yards & Spars & Stowed them away AM Employed Painting & [Robining?] the Sails

Wednesday 8  Fine Weather. PM Bent the Topsails & Foresail & Employed upon the Rigging AM Employed setting up the Lower Rigging

Thursday 9  Ditto Weather. PM Employed setting up the Topmast & Top Gallant Rigging AM Employed on the Rigging Received 3 Halfhogsheads of Beer.

Friday 10  Ditto Weather. PM Cleared away for the Cables. Bent the Fore Topmast Staysail AM Got off 2 Anchors Painters from the yard Painting the Ship

Saturday 11  Ditto Weather. PM Bent Jacks & Sheets to the Staysails & Bent the Jib Received on board 1 Halfhogshead of Hops & 1 Ditto of Malt AM Employed about the Rigging Received 127 pounds of Fresh Beef

Sunday 12  Light breezes & fine Weather. PM Got off a Cable Employed coiling it away & Lashing the booms AM Fresh breezes

Monday 13  Fresh breezes & Squally with Rain at times PM Got off Sundry Stores & Employed rounding the Best bower Cable

Tuesday 14  Ditto Weather. PM Employed rounding the Cables Artificers from the Yard on board AM Employed getting off Stores Read the Articles of War &c to the Ships Company

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