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Revised Aug 28 2021

Portlock's Assistant Logbook May 19-26, 1791

Remarks &c on board His Majestys Brig Assistant

Lashed alongside His Majesty's Ship Brilliant at Deptford

May 1791

Thursday 19  Fresh breezes with flying Showers PM Riggers Employed on the Topmast Rigging AM Entered 2 Men Riggers Employed as before.

Friday 20  Ditto Weather. Mr. George Wation came on board as Master his Warrant was read to the Ships Company Enterd 2 Men Got up and Rigged the Top Gallant Masts AM Received on board 2 Bags of Bread 2 Half hogsheads of Beer 1 [?] of Beef 1 Ditto Pork 1 Barrel of Pease 1 Firken of butter 2 Cheeses & 122 pounds of Fresh Beef

Saturday 21  Fresh breezes & Cloudy PM Received some Stores from the yard & Employed Trimming Coals Received 18 Butts & 10 Half Hogsheads for Water Casks & 2 [Harness?] Casks

Sunday 22  Fresh Gales & Cloudy Received some Stores from the yard AM Employed about the Rigging

Monday 23  Ditto Weather. Employed stowing the Ground tier & filling the Tier Butts with Water Received on board 8 Hogsheads of Beef 5 Hogsheads 1 Half hogshead of Pork & a Small Cask of [Suet?]

Tuesday 24  Ditto Weather with flying Showers Employed as before Received on board 4 Half hogsheads of Wheat 2 Casks of Flour 2 Ditto Oatmeal 1 Small Ditto of Raisins 8 Barrels 1 Half hogshead of Pease 4 Firkins of [caked?] Butter 2 Barrels of Vinegar & 4 Ditto Sourkrout Riggers Employed upon the Rigging Received some Boatswains Stores from the Yard

Wednesday 25  Moderate breezes & fair PM Compleated the Ground Tier & Stowed part of the Second Tier AM Employed Trimming the Coals & setting up the lower Rigging. Received the Pumps on board. Entered 2 Men.

Thursday 26  Fresh Gales & Squally PM Setting up the Rigging AM Received on board 20 Butts 20 Bags of Bread 2 small Casks of Sugar 2 Barrels of Barley 2 Firkins of Butter 8 Cheeses 2 Jars of Oil 4 Barrels of Molasses & 4 [?] of Canvas.

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