Revised Sep 17 2021
☿ [Wednesday] February 6th 1793 Moderate Breeze & fine Weather – At 1 PM
moored Ship with the Stream to the WNW in 10 Fathom muddy Bottom. At Sun sett Got down Top Gallant yards
hoisted in the Boats and performed the usual Evenings harbour Duty. Light land Breezes & Calms during
the Night. AM. Washed and cleaned the Ship above & below – People employed clearing the Ship
and other necessary Duty. At 11 d here H.M.S.
Hound. Fresh Sea Breeze & fine Weather
♃ [Thursday] February 7th Pleasant Sea Breeze & fine Weather A petty Officer sent up to the Post Office at Kingston for Letters but owing I suppose to our early Arrival there were only four for the two Ships, unfortunately I was not one of the happy Number – AM Two Marines and Samuel Dennis (a Matilda) one of the People wounded in Endeavour Streights on board the Assistant, sent to the Hospital, the bony Point of one of the Arrows still sticking in his Arm. A Boat sent up to Kingston for fresh Beef which is supplied by a Contractor – being a Ship newly come in from Sea we are allowed fresh Beef every Day, whereas the Ships stationed here get it only twice a Week. This Morning the Ship and People were cdleaned to receive Commodore Ford, who visited us in Company with some other Officers, and seemed pleased with the Plants and the Pains and Trouble which had been taken to preserve them in so flourishing a State
♀ [Friday] February 8th Several People on board to see the Plants, which seem to extremely popular and they tell us of great Presents which are to be given to the Captain and Ships Company – AM. Took the Guard from the Penelope Dark cloudy Weather with Showers of rain. Ship washed and cleaned fore and aft – People employed about the Rigging &c Sailmakers making new Quarter Deck Awnings – the old too shabby for the other Ships here.