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Revised Sep 17 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Jan 28, 1793

Remarks on board H.M. Ship Providence – Moored

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☽ [Monday] January 29th [28th] Frequent Puffs off the Land but in general fine Weather A Party of People on shore upon Leave and some on board the Different Ships – several People on board to see the Collection of Plants – by a St Vincent Paper I saw this afternonn, the Governor & Council have made Captain Bligh a Present of a Peice of Plate, with the Breadfruit engraven upon it, value 100 Guineas. they have given a general Account of our Voyage from Otaheite and enlarged a good deal upon Endeavour & Providences Streights which they say, they understand it is to be called – Boats hoisted in &c as usual – the Launch and Whale boat are always kept out – AM. Launch on shore watering – Washed below and cleaned Ship fore and aft – Loosed Sails to dry – Fresh Beef served to the Ships Company – Some Plants received on board from the botanic Garden – Mr Anderson the Botanist and several other Gentlemen on board – Captain Bligh lives at [...] House which his [is] pleasantly situated upon the [...] Hill a little to the Westward of the Governors At [...] Nicols & Askew went out to observe the Meridian Altitude but they do not seem certain whether they got it exactly – however it was 58°:53′:19″ South Latitude 13°:10′:15″ Ship then bearing NEbE 1 Mile Latitude 13°:10′50″ North

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