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Revised Sep 17 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Dec 31, 1792

Remarks ☽ [Monday] St Helena to St Vincents

 1 pm: Moderate Breezes & fine Weather

 2 pm: Saw some flying fish

 4 pm: Ditto Weather All Sail set possible

 6 pm: Worked the Pumps and wetted the upper Decks as usual since entering the Tropic

 8 pm: Steady moderate Trade and fine Night

12 mid: Ditto Weather beautiful Moon light Night

 4 am: Ditto Weather

 6 am: Nothing remarkable done, but the usual Morning Duty of washing the Decks, getting the Watch up &c

 8 am: Fine Weather

 9 am: Exercised great Guns and small Arms – Sailmakers about the Foresail and People occasional Duty – The Sea Allowance of Provisions served as before.

12 noon: At Noon Moderate Trade and fine pleasant Weather
Assistant in Company

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