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Revised Sep 17 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Dec 19, 1792

Remarks – St Helena road

☿ [Wednesday] December 19th 1792. Moderate Breezes & Cloudy Weather – Employed sending ashore and filling empty Casks. Many Fish principally Mackerel brought alongside to sell and a good Quantity caught on board with Hook and Line. several large Alobacores caught by the Slaves near the Ship – AM Hazey Weather and blowing fresh – At Day break. Boats hoisted out and employed upon the necessary Duty – two or three Hands sent up the Valley to pick Water Cresses which were served to the Ships Company with their Beef. owing to the great Draught [drought] it is with the greatest Difficulty fresh Beef can be procured, but in Consideration of the Plants we are to leave them and our long Passage hither the Governor & Council have agreed to furnish us with as much as possible, for which the Troops are obliged to go without at the Anniversary of Christmas – Employed stowing and getting Provisions to hand in the after hold and watering as before as fast as possible – what spare Hands there were employed about the rigging – Bent the old Fore topsail – Notwithstanding the Wind is off the Land, there is a heavy Surf on the shore, which makes it very difficult getting the Casks in and out of the Boats – the Captain on shore last Night, and as well as the Wardroom officers lodges ath the House of Mr or rather Mrs Stathan. Mr Impey one of our Mates who has been long ill and Mr Gore of the Assistant are at Sick quarters at a respectable Tavern kept by the Plumber of the Island. I believe they pay two Dollar a Day each

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