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Revised Sep 17 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Dec 3, 1792

Remarks ☽ [Monday] 3rd Off the Cape of Good Hope

 1 pm: Fresh Gales & Cloudy Weather Took a 2nd reef in the ma and 3rd in the Fore and Mizen topsail. Got down Top gallant yards. Struck the Fore top gallant Mast and close reefed the Fore and Mizen and 3 reefed the Main topsail

 4 pm: Strong Gales & Cloudy Weather – Wore Ship – out 3rd reef of the Main topsail. Bent a new Fore topmast Stay sail – the old to be repaired. Many Carey Chickens and Pintados about.

 8 pm: Strong Breezes & Cloudy Weather some Sea got up. Carried a stern Light as did the Assistant as usual.

12 mid: Ditto Weather the Ship not so much Motion

 3 am: Daybreak – Fresh Breezes and cloudy Weather Out fourth reef Fore topsail and swayed up the Top Gallant Mast.

 6 am: Out 2nd reefs – up Top Gallant yards and set the sails – Saw Whales, all the Sea Birds usually seen, and two small white ones with black Heads and forked Tails. Moderate Breezes & Cloudy Weather

 9 am: Washed below Fore and aft. Aired the Cockpits with Fires – Carpenters caulking on the Upper Deck. At 10 Light Breezes – Set the Fore top gallant Studding sail.

12 noon: At Noon Light Airs & Cloudy Weather A long Swell from the WSW. Great Numbers of Pintados about.
The Assistant in Company.

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