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Revised Sep 17 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Nov 25, 1792

Remarks Sunday November 25th Towards Cape Good Hope

 1 pm: Light Breezes & fair Weather People washing & mending their Cloaths

 2 pm: Out 1st reefs, set Top Gallant sails & Fore topmast studding sail Saw a Shark

 4 pm: Light Airs – made more sail – Saw some sea Birds

 6 pm: Set Studding sails on the Starboard side.

 8 pm: Fine Weather

12 mid: Moderate Breezes & Clear Weather

 1 am: Took in the Larboard Studding sails

 2 am: A Whale blowing close alongside and continued playing about the Ship near an Hour.

 4 am: Cloudy at Daybreak – All sail set.

 5 am: Saw some single Sheerwaters upon the Water and a few oceanic Birds.

 8 am: Light Airs. Took in the Starboard Studding sails Ships Company mustered in Divisions, seen clean and Divine Service performed to them by the Captain.

11 am: In Studding sails and spoke the Assistant. the usual present made of a Peice of Pork – A Cask of Spruce Beer for trhe People

12 noon: At Noon – Moderate Breezes & fair Weather some Clouds and hazey.
Assistant in Company.

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