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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Oct 18, 1792

Remarks 18th In the Indian Ocean – Homewards

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes & Cloudy Weather

 2 pm: Saw a Man of War Bird

 4 pm: People employed occasionally

 5 pm: Before Dark single reefed the Topsails and Took in the Lower studding sail

 8 pm: Ditto Weather

10 pm: Heavy black Clouds fying over – Shortened sail

12 mid: Ditto Weather with Gusts of Wind

 2 am: Set the Fore Top mast Studding sail

 5 am: Swell from the WSW before 8 it came from the SSW

 6 am: Saw some flying Fish

 8 am: Fresh Breezes and fair Weather

 9 am: Aired with the Stoves

10 am: Saw rock weed & Porpoises – Let the reef out of the Topsails

11 am: Carpenters & Sailmakers employed about the Green house

12 noon: At Noon – Fresh Breezes & fair Weather hazey and some flying Clouds
Assistant ahead

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