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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Oct 5-7, 1792

Remarks in Coepang Bay – Island Timor

Friday October 5th 1792 Fresh Breezes and fair Weather Received two Turns of Water by the Launch and one by a Malay Scoot employed getting it on board and stowing it away – Carpenters stocking the Spare Anchor – Cooper on shore with the Water Casks – Ships Company mustered in the Evening when the People were returned on board – AM At 4 a Slave of the Governors came off in a Canoe and informed us some of the Casks were floated by the Tide down the river the Launch and whale boat sent to secure them – At Daybreak the Wooders and Waterers sent on shore with their respective officers to attend them
Light Airs – Employed in the Holds – This Morning the Dutch Snow sailed for Batavia and saluted the Fort which was returned – Received fresh Beef – At Noon Fresh Breezes & fair Weather

Saturday October 6th Fresh Breezes and fine clear Weather Received three Turns of Water and one turn of Wood by the whale Boat – A small Party of Marines sent on shore to guard the water Casks, some small ones being found missing – At Dark the Boats hoisted in and Ships Company mustered as usual – AM At 1 the Launch sent for a Turn of Water the Flood being nearly at its Height which is the only Time Boats can go up or down the river
At Day break – Out Whale boat, Wooders & waterers on shore – Employed on board in the Holds and about the rigging – Received fresh Beef – At Noon Light Breezes and fair Weather

Sunday 7th Received a Load of wood by the Assistants Launch and three of water by a Scoot and our own Launch – Stowing in the Holds as before AM At High water the Launch and Whale boat sent to tow two Scoots from us up the river. At Day break the Wooders and Waterers on shore – On board employed in the Holds – cleared between Decks and washed below fore and aft – Received on board three Puncheons, one Barrel of Arrack and two Barrels of Rice At Noon Fresh Gale and fair Weather

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