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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Sep 16, 1792

Remarks Sunday September 16th H.M.S. Providence Off the South Coast of New Guinea



At 8 the Brothers S77°E distant [blank] Leagues Breakers to Leeward from WNW to SWbyS 1′ or 2′

At 11·10 The Brothers N50°E [blank] Leagues U S83°W to W 3 Leagues Passage Island S79°W 2 Leagues Land from S60°W V to S9°W the Eastern Extremity of R – High Mountain S14°W – Island S S23°E

At Noon

A small Island N64°W to N75°W the South Point of U – Passage Island N68°W 4′ – Land extending from S87°W V to S10°E the East Extremity of R – Black rock Island S56°W 4 or 5 Miles the High Mountain and Possession Island S2°W distant 2 or 3 [miles] Two small Islands off K S12°East and S22°E 4′ or 5′ – Three High Mountainous Islands S40°E - S54°E and the East S S60E 2 or 3 Leagues

 1 pm: Fresh Gales and fair Weather with a very thick Haze

 2 pm: People washing and mending thier Cloaths At 3·40 the Assistant got under weigh, our Whale boat leading. At 5·20 She came to about ½ Mile distant and the Whale boat returned – Squally Weather Hove in the ½ Cable Service when the Tide made to Windward

 8 pm: Fresh Gales and fair Weather

12 mid: Ditto Weather

 3 am: At 3·30 Swayed up lower yards and hoisted out the Whale boat

 6 am: At 6·10 Weighed the Assistant and Boats leadinhg – At 30 past Tacked Ship

 8 am: At 8 Good regular Soundings standing along the reef distant 1½ Mile – Swayed up Top Gallant Masts and the Main Top Gallant yard Made more Sail – The Assistant a considerable Distance ahead made the Signal for her to come nearer

 9 am: At 9·30 Saw Breakers WbS and high Land from West to SbE – thick hazey Weather

11 am: At 11 the Brothers nealry out of Sight. Back Land openiong to the Southward – Saw a Sandy Key and Breakers in the West – and high Mountainous Islands in the SW – Brig and Boats ahead leading and Lead constantly going

12 noon: At Noon standing in for the Land – a small Island in the Wake of the High Mountain Possession Island 3 Miles distant right ahead – Land appears to form into a Bay at the back of it with sandy Beaches – Fresh Breezes and fine Weather with thick Haze

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