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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Sep 12, 1792

Remarks Wednesday September 12th H.M.S. Providence Amongst Islands off the South Coast of New Guinea


PM At Anchor

Turtle back Island S23° to S18°E 3 or 4 Leagues Brothers S51°W to S65W 3 Miles R S39°W 10 Leagues S S¾W 8 or 10 Leagues Cap S2°E 4 Miles Q N33°W the Dry Sand N66½W 2 or 3 Miles – Low Land from the Mast head NbW to NWbN R and S were likewise seen from the same Place


At 9 the Brothers bore true South – 9·35 the Brothers Cap, and Turtle back Island in one at S46°E
At 10·15 Q true North

At Anchor

The Brothers S64 to S71°E 2 or 3 Leagues The Cap S63°E 4 Leagues Q N7°E 4 or 5 Leagues R S19°W 9 Leagues T N57°W [blank] Leagues U S44°W 7 Leagues A dry Bank and Shoals SbE to SWbW and West 3 to 5 Miles distant – Others in teh NNW 6 or 7 Miles

 1 pm: Moderate Breezes and fine Weather At 25′ [12:25] PM brought up with Small Bower 7½ [fathoms] soft Ground Saw a dry Sand to the NW Boats sent to examine the Passage betwixt that and the Brothers which is distant from us 3 or 4 Miles. when they returned they reported it safe, had seen several Turtles of a good Size – At Sunset when the Haze was off the Horizon – Saw low land to the North Westward supposed to be the Main – and two Islands to the SWestward R & S – Before Dark In Boats and down Top Gallant yards

12 mid: Light Breezes & fine Night

 4 am: Ditto Weather At Day break Out Boats – Breakfasted at 6 o'Clock

 7 am: At 7·35 Weighed and stood after the Assistant – Under Double reefed Topsails – Light Breezes and fair Weather – Up Top Gallant yards Saw a Turtle some Fish, many small land Birds and a Water Snake – At 10 saw land in the WbyN and WNW T made the Signal

11 am: At 11 Saw a Sand bank and some high land U in the SW Made the Assistants Signal AT 11·5 the Cutter & Assistant made the Signal to another brought up with Small Bower in 6¾ Fathom Coarse Coral Sand. Handed Sails

Turtle back Island S39W September 11th AM distant 3 Leagues

The Cap S50W September 11th AM distant 2 Leagues

This Island is so called from its Shape. it is very stoney and barren nevertheless there are some few Trees upon it on the East side amongst which we distinguished one or two Coco nutt. its Latitude is 9°47′ South Longitude 142°40′ East

The Brothers S30°W September 11th AM distant 3 Leagues

This Island is divided into two Hills which from their Similitude obtained the Name of the Brothers – except one fertile Point, this Island is merely a Mass of Earth and Stones with a few Trees scattered upon it and amongst them the Coco nutt. We saw two or three Indians walking along the Beach, but I should conceive their Supply of Provisions must be very small particularly as it is singular in not being surrounded by a reef, which is always a great Means of Subsistance – the Circumference of this Island is about [blank] or [blank] Miles, its Latitude [blank] South and Longitude [blank] East of Greenwich by the Time Keepers

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