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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Aug 23, 1792

Remarks Thursday August 23rd 1792 Providence

 1 pm: Moderate Breezes and fair Weather

 4 pm: Ditto Weather Bent a new Main top gallant sail

 6 pm: Before Dark Took in the small sails and 2nd reefs of the topsails

 8 pm: Moderate Breezes and cloudy

 9 pm: Several Porpoises about the Ship. two of them were struck but made their Escape

12 mid: Ditto Weather

 2 am: Fine cloudy Night

 5 am: At Daybreak – Out reefs and made all Sail

 6 am: Saw Tropic Birds, Man of War birds & Boneatas

 8 am: Moderate Breezes and fair Weather

 9 am: Boats Crews exercised at small Arms

10 am: People sj and Sailmakers repairing the old Main Top Gallant sail – Saw a brown Booby

12 noon: Moderate Breezes and fair Weather with a considerable Haze upon the Horizon
Assistant in Company ahead

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