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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Jul 23, 1792

Remarks Monday July 23rd 1792 Providence

 1 pm: Light Breezes and fair Weather Shifted the Ships Companys Hammocks

 3 pm: A Tropic Bird and several flying Fish seen

 6 pm: People slinging their Hammocks

 7 pm: Before Dark In Top Gallant Sails & Steering sails

12 mid: Cloudy Weather A particular lookout kept and the Brig about a Mile ahead

 4 am: Light Airs – The Morning Watch scrubbin their Hammocks

 8 am: Roused the the [sic] Small Bower Cable unspliced the outer Cable of the Best Bower and spliced it to the inner small Bower – The usual Allowance of Pork (1½ pounds per Man) served and as many Plantains as can be used Carpenters repairing the Jolly-boat

12 noon: At Noon Light Airs & fair Weather
The Assistant 1½ Mile ahead

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