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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Mar 6, 1792

Remarks Tuesday March 6th Providence

 1 pm: Strong Gales and thick misty Weather with a high following Sea

 3 pm: Saw some Rockweed, Seals & several Birds More Moderate – Set the Foresail

 4 pm: Strong Gales & Squally with drizling Rain

 6 pm: Fresh Water Let into the Ship and pumped clean out as usual

 8 pm: Drizling Rain

 9 pm: Sea running high and Ship rolling deep

11 pm: rather more Moderate – Set the Fore topsail

12 mid: A Fire all Night in the Galley

 3 am: the Assistant considerably astern – Clewed up the Topsails and shewed a Light – Handed the Foresail – The Assistant come up in her Station – Set the Main topsail – At 6 Set the Fore and Mizen topsails close reefed and out 4th Reef of the Main

 8 am: Saw some Seals and a few Birds

 9 am: Wort served as usual

10 am: More Moderate – Out 3rd Reefs

11 am: People making Points for the Fore topsail

12 noon: At Noon – Fresh Gales and Cloudy Weather with a high Sea running from the South West – The Assistant in Company

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