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Revised Sep 16 2021

Flinders's Providence Logbook Feb 25, 1792

Remarks Saturday February 25 1792 – Providence

 1 pm: Fresh Gales with frequent hard Squalls

 3 pm: More Moderate Set the Main topsail

 4 pm: People employed stowing the Anchors

 8 pm: Fresh Gales & Squally with Rain at times

12 mid: A Fire kept all Night in the Galley

 3 am: The Weather rainy in Squalls but the Wind not quite so strong

 6 am: Set the Mizen topsail

 8 am: Out 3rd Reef of the Fore & Main and 2nd of the Mizen topsail – Up Top Gallant yards Cleaned below and Aired the Ship with Stoves

10 am: Served sweet Wort as before

11 am: Bent the Best Mizen topsail

12 noon: Fresh Breezes & Squally – the Assistant in Company – Under Courses 3rd reefed topsails and Main top gallant Sail

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