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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Jun 26, 1793

Remarks &c 26th June 1793

 1 pm: Fresh breezes and squally weather – Caught a Dolphin. Out 2nd. reef Fore and Main Top Sails

 3 pm: A strange Schooner on the west quarter.

 4 pm: Exercised great guns – Let water into the ship and worked the pumps as usual. Permitted Mr. Stewart to repossess the Prize Schooner as we had been disappointed in going into ye Havanna.

 7 pm: At 7 in 2nd. reef Top Sails

 8 pm: Light airs and dark cloudy weather with lightning all round the compass, and claps of thunder from the ESE

11 pm: Light airs squally and rain. Sounded every ¼ of an hour from 70 to 80 fathoms no ground

12 mid: At midnight a breeze sprung up from the SE

 4 am: At day light the Assistant and 7 sail in company. At 4.50 saw the Florida shore (low flat land) and made the signal.

 6 am: Sunrise, the extremes of the land from NW½W to SW¾S 2 leagues off – Saw from the deck, but discerned no farther from the Mast head.

 7 am: Served the usual breakfast of this portable soup gruel – At 8 extremes of the land fron NWbW to SW¼S 7 or 8 miles. Light breezes and fair weather – saw several Black-fish

11 am: Exercised great Guns and small Arms. Served sour Krout. Washed thoroughly below. Sailmakers employed mending the old Main Top Gallant sail. – Assistant in company & 7 sail in sight

12 noon: At Noon moderate breezes and fair weather
   Latitude Observed 27°·13′ North

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