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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Jun 10-12, 1793

Remarks &c. moored in Bluefield's Bay.

June 1793

Monday 10th. First part fresh breezes and fair weather, middle and latter moderate and variable. PM arrived here H. M. Ship Proserpine from Port Royal for England. received a turn of water per Launch. AM. cleaned below. Received 234 pounds of fresh Beef, served it and water cresses to the ships company – Loosed sails to dry. received a turn of water per Launch Employed stowing it away, and bending the Mainsail Gunners making wads. Furled sails.

Tuesday 11th. First and latter parts fresh gales and fair with haze, middle part light airs, calms, and variable. PM received a turn of water per Launch. AM served fresh Beef and water cresses to the ships company. Washed and cleaned below. At 9 anchored here the Antelope Packet from Port Royal to wait the sailing of some Man of War – Received water per small Cutter. Gunners employed making wads &c., People and Carpenters occasionally occupied

Wednesday 12th. First and latter parts fresh gales and fair with haze, middle part light airs, calms, and variable. At 4 PM. weighed the Best Bower and hove to ½ a cable on the Small Bower – Run out a Kedge anchor to steady the ship AM employed in the After Hold and getting clear for sea. received fresh Beef. Made the signal for sailing – Sent the Launch to Savanna la Mar and the Cutter to Black River for Stock and necessary Articles for the Passage.

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