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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Apr 18-19, 1793

Remarks &c moored in Port Royal

April 1793

Thursday 18th. First and latter parts fresh breezes and hazy weather middle part light airs with showers of rain. At 1 arrived a schooner, prize to the Penelope; made the signal to the Penn for the same. Carpenters employed fixing railing in the Waist. Discharged Mr. James Norris, supernumerary, into the Assistant as acting Surgeon, per order. Sent Mr. James Norris (late of the Matilda wrecked near Otaheite) Joshua Harper & Archibald Galloway, seamen, to the Hospital. AM. Sailmakers and Carpenters at the Yard. received 123 pounds of fresh Beef. Loosed sails to dry. Exercised small arms. At 11 arrived H M Ship Penelope with a french Brig of War called the Goelan, and 2 small Sloops. Made the signal to the Penn, and for a Kitterine. Arrived a schooner, prize to the Spitfire, which was announced by signal to the Penn; and a Schooner, prize to the Tyger Privateer

Friday 19th. First part moderate breezes with showers of rain, middle and latter parts light breezes and fair. At 4 parted the Stern Hawser – weighed the Kedge Anchor and bent another. Arrived a Sloop, prize to the Spitfire – made the signal accordingly. AM Sailmakers and part of the Carpenters Crew at the Yard dome of them finishing Several stocks. Loosed sails to dry. Gunners employed making wads, mend Cartridges &c. received fresh Beef. Arrived a Sloop, prize to the Proserpine – made the signal for Ditto. At 8 made the signal for Weekly Accounts. Furled sails, and sent 5 Volunteers on board the Penelope. Entered one man. People employed making Stoppers &c.

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