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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Mar 16-20, 1793

Remarks &c Moored in Port Royal

March 1793

Saturday 16th. First part fresh gales and weather middle and latter parts moderate breezes and fair. AM Sailmakers employed at the Yard, Caulkers on board, and seamen tarring the rigging, blacking aloft &c. Sent [blank] Plants on shore, the ship being detained from sailing on account of the war. Carpenters painting the Cabin. received and served fresh Beef

Sunday 17th. Moderate breezes and fair weather all these 24 hours. PM people employed scraping the Quick work. Caulkers on board, and sailmakers from the ship at work in the yard AM received 214 pounds of fresh Beef served Ditto to the ships company. Washed below. received a turn of water per Launch, and mustered in Divisions

Monday 18th. Moderate breezes and fine weather these 24 hours. AM employed starting water. Sailmakers employed repairing our sails at the Yard. Caulkers employed on board. Served fresh Beef to the people. Carpenters painting [jobs?]. received a turn of water per Yard Launch.

Tuesday 19th. Moderate breezes and fine weather with showers at times. PM received a turn of water per Launch. Employed starting the old water and stowing the Fore Hold. Received and served fresh Beef. Sailmakers at the Yard. Caulkers on board. – Sailed H. M. Sloop Fly, Captain Brown

Wednesday 20th. Moderate breezes and fair these 24 hours. Caulkers and sailmakers as yesterday. Employed starting old water, and watering per ships Launch and Launch from the Yard. Held a survey per order, and condemned a Fore Sail, Fore & Main Top Sails. Served fresh Beef.

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