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Revised Sep 4 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Feb 4, 1793

Remarks &c Monday 4th February 1793

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and fine clear weather – At 1 sent a boat for Lieutenant Portlock to dine who returned at sunset. Saw a sail standing in for the land

 4 pm: Extremes of the Island of Hispaniola in sight from N23°W to N65°E, off shore 8 or 9 leagues. Worked the Pumps as usual.

 7 pm: At sunset the western point of Hispaniola bore N17°W Eastern land in sight NEbE off shore 8 or 9 leagues – At 7 in boat.

12 mid: Light breezes and fair weather

 3 am: At ½ past 3 shifted the steering sails to the starboard side

 4 am: Moderate breezes and fair weather

 5 am: At day light saw land bearing ENE 8 or 9 leagues off – Passed an English Brig, Sloop of War on a wind – a strange sail in the SW

 7 am: Served the usual breakfast.

 8 am: Fresh gales. Washed the Gun, Orlop, and Cockpit Decks and aired with fires. Sailmakers employed on the Quarter Deck Awning. Served Borecole and Portable Soup thickened with Oatmeal for Dinner. At 11 Hour.30′ saw the Island of Jamaica from the Top Mast Head.

12 noon: At Noon a fresh breeze and fair weather with haze. Jamaica from the Deck bearing West
   Latitude Observed 17°·59′·30″ North

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