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Revised Sep 4 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Jan 24, 1793

Remarks &c 24th January 1793

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and rainy weather with thick haze, and squalls from the land at times.

 4 pm: Moderate & fair, moored ship with the Stream anchor to the westward in 22 fathoms sand & muddy bottom – WNW & ESE., Berkshire point N81°W 1½ miles off, Berkshire Fort N64°W – Dorchester Fort (on the Hill) N61°E SE extremity of the Bay S5°E distant 2 miles
Ships Draught of Water Foreward 14 feet:10 Inches Abaft 15·04

 3 am: received water per Large Cutter

 8 am: Cleaned below, and Loosed sails to dry.

10 am: Unbent the small Sails. Sent 21 Tubs and 19 Pots of Breadfruit Plants on shore

12 noon: Sent a party to haul the Seine – had success. Bent the second best Fore Sail

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