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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Oct 19, 1792

Remarks &c from Timnor towards St. Helena 19th October 1792

 1 pm: Fresh breezes and fair weather

 5 pm: Worked the Pumps as usual

 7 pm: Strong breezes and cloudy in Top Gallant and Lower Steering sails, and 1st reef Top Sails

12 mid: Fresh gale and cloudy

 4 am: At day break made all sail. saw a Tropic, Man of War birds, and Sheerwaters; Porpoises and Flying-fish.

 7 am: Served thick Portable Soup Gruel for Breakfast

 8 am: Cleaned below and aired with Fires. Served the daily allowance of half a Pint of Sour Krout as usual, with Portable Soup in the Pease for Dinner. Unbent the 2nd best, and bent the old Top Sails. – Sailmakers and Carpenters employed as yesterday. People working up Junk for Nettings &c.

12 noon: Fresh breezes and fair weather with haze – Assistant leading as usual
   Latitude Observed 12°·14′·22″ South

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