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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Oct 13, 1792

Remarks &c from Timor towards St. Helena 13th October 1792

 1 pm: Light breezes and fair weather, Sent a boat for Lieutenant Portlock

 6 pm: Mr. Portlock returned to the Assistant; in boat. Worked the Pumps as usual

 8 pm: Light airs and fair weather – a heavy Dew falling.

12 mid: Light breezes and fair

 5 am: Saw a Tropic bird

 8 am: Light breezes and fair weather aired Ship with Fires – Up all Chests and Bags and washed the Gun, Orlop and Cockpit Decks – Destroyed many Cockroaches by sluicing Salt water on the Beams &c. Saw Porpoises; and passed by large quantities of Spawn – Served fresh Beef – Sailmakers employed mending the Main Deck Awning &c.

12 noon: Light breezes and fair weather Assistant in company A Swell from the SW
   Latitude Observed 11°:10′:05″ South

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