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Revised Sep 3 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Sep 15, 1792

Remarks &c Saturday 15 September 1792

 1 pm: Fresh gales and cloudy weather with great haze

 2 pm: People employed about the Cables and refitting the ground Tackling

 4 pm: Hove in to ½ Cable Service and found the Cable rubbed – Up Lower Yards.

 6 pm: Weighed to shift our Berth; the Whale boat leading – 15 minutes Tacked ship – At 30 minutes past Anchored with the Best Bower in 6¼ fathoms soft ground. The Twins from S64°E to S55°E – In whale boat & veered to a whole Cable

10 pm: Carpenters repairing the Whale boat.

12 mid: Fresh gales and cloudy.

 4 am: Hove in to ½ Cable service.

 6 am: Sent the whale Boat to the Brig – At 6 the Assistant got under weigh to explore and endeavour to find a Passage to the Southward – Veered to a whole Cable. Served the usual Breakfast – Very fresh gales with much haze nearly as bad as a Fog – Much sea; and the ship pitching – A shower of rain – Struck the Lower Yards – Loosed the small sails to air – Employed rounding the small Bower

11 am: At 11 Hour.30 Minutes The Assistant brought up, the Beach or sand bank West about 9 miles

12 noon: Fresh gales and fair weather with haze.
   Latitude Observed 9°·41′·00″ South

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