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Revised Sep 2 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Sep 9, 1792

Remarks &c in Providence Streights Sunday 9th September 92

 1 pm: Strong breezes and fair weather – sent the boats to leeward to sound

 3 pm: Employed in the Fore Hold getting water to hand.

 5 pm: Several Natives, to the number of 40 seen on the beach some of whom had green [bonnets?] in their hands. Sent the Cutter & Whale boat well manned & armed to form some intercourse, if possible. The Indians laid by their Bows, and approached the boats without fear, many Nails, Toe[y]s &c. were given them, and in return got only a few baskets of a kind of Date, which appears to be the chief support of these Islanders, with the Fish they procure from the reefs. A small quantity of water was seen in a shell, but it was not known in what quantities it was on the Island – The road is exceeding good & safe with the Easterly Monsoon – In the evening veered to a whole Cable – and at 8 had a shower of rain –

12 mid: At 12 strong breeze and squally weather

 6 am: Out boats – & served the usual Breakfast

 8 am: At 8 Hour:30 Minutes weighed and stood to the Southward with close reefed Top Sails, the Brig & Boats leading with the Lead constantly goind

10 am:M SSE 4 miles

11 am:H NEbN

12 noon: At Noon strong breezes and fair weather N S54E distant 3 miles. O S74°W 3 leagues Tolerable high Island on with O seen from the Mast head called Q P N86°W
   Latitude Observed 9°:47′·30″ [South]

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