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Revised Sep 2 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Sep 5, 1792

Remarks &c In Endeavour Streights 5th September 1792

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and fair weather the Assistant leading – Cutter & Whale boat sounding – At 1 rocks bearing SWbS

 3 pm: At ¾ past 3 brought up with ye Small Bower in 21 fathoms sandy bottom, and veered to ½ a Cable Island A from N52W to N64W about 3 leagues B S35E to S40E 5 leagues. C S31E and D S33E nearly the same distance as B – Sandy (Canoe) Key S56W – Sent the 2 boats to examine the passage to Leeward – Boats returned without much information, it being too late; proposed them for Morning – Canoes were seen on the reefs, fishing as we supposed

12 mid: Fresh breezes and clear weather with smooth water anchorage

 2 am: Squally.

 4 am: Strong breezes and Cloudy – Sent ye boats to examine the SW Quarter

 7 am: Served the usual breakfast

 8 am: Fresh breezes and fair with haze, Saw several Large sailing canoes, and one near the Cutter.

11 am: At ½ past 11 the Whale boat returned with the Master but the Cutter in which was the 3 Lieutenant made the Signal for Assistance – Sent the Pinnace Armed with a gang of [heads?] to release the Cutters

12 noon: Ditto Weather Pease, Portable Soup and Sour Krout for Dinner – the boats [putting/pulling] up to the ship [?] a tide of [blank] setting to the Westward
   Latitude Observed 9°:40′·24″ South

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