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Revised Feb 1 2022

Bond's Providence Logbook Jul 19, 1792

Remarks &c towards Timor Thursday 19th July 1792

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and fair weather – in the offing fresh breezes from the Eastward

 2 pm: Light airs

 3 pm: At 3 a breeze from the eastward sprung up – weighed and came to sail under double reefed Top Sails – the wind failed us, sent the boats ahead to tow

 5 pm: At 5 got into the sea breeze; hove too in Pinnace & small Cutter & whale-boat. – Eastermost land S72°E Point Venus S51°E – Westermost land of Oparree S47°W – Northmost part of Moreia S85°W – At 7 in 3rd reef Top Sails: the late King his wife and some attendants on board

 9 pm: At 9 fresh gales close reefed Fore Top Sail and handfed Mizen Top Sail – At 10 a light squall of rain

12 mid: Fresh gales and cloudy – wore ship and [?] in shore

 3 am: ½ past 3 wore again; the land about Otoo's Horns bearing SbE

 4 am: Fresh gales and squally with showers of rain

 6 am: Wore ship – Eastermost land SE – high land S74E. Westermost part of Otaheite SbW¾W. Northermost part of Moreia Sbw½W – At 8 the Eastmost land [SbE?] – western Horn Sb#½E – West part [?] SSW – Northern part Moreia [WbS¾S?] distant off shore 6 or 7 miles – At 10 hove too and sent the whale boat on shore at [?] with the King regent, Queen and some Chiefs – Out 3 & 4 reefs Fore Top Sail. Hailed the Assistant to follow the boat & give the King regent [?] Musket &c

12 noon: At Noon the boat returned [?] hoisted her in and bore away. Point Venus bore S85°E western land S45°W – Northmost part of Moreia N56°W. East Head of Tarra S51°E. West Head S44°E distant about 3 miles – A fresh gale & fair weather Assistant in company

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