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Revised 2010-07-14

Bond's Providence Logbook Jul 6, 1792

Remarks &c 6th July 1792

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and cloudy

 3 pm: received a turn of water per Launch

 4 pm: Hard shower of rain.

 6 pm: The Cutter returned from Oparree with a supply of Pigs and Fruit

10 pm: Heavy showers.

12 mid: Light airs and cloudy

 4 am: Sent a party to haul the Seine who returned with 550 pounds of Fish, mostly Cavallies – People employed in the Fore Hold, Carpenters about the whale-boat, Sawing Plank &c.

 8 am: Served fresh Fish to the Ships Company at the rate of 2 pounds per Man – Sent some also on board the Assistant with presents to the Chiefs, the Otaheiteans being extremely fond of Fish

12 noon: Moderate breezes and dark cloudy weather with showers at times

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