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Revised Sep 1 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Apr 16, 1792

Remarks &c Monday 16th April 1792

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and cloudy weather

 6 pm: Dark cloudy weather with squalls. Cleared Hawse.

 8 pm: Light airs

 9 pm: Calm.

12 mid: Light airs and cloudy weather

 4 am: At 4 sent a Lieutenant, Masters Mate, & two Midshipmen; a Lieutenant of Marines, Serjant, 2 Corporals, a Drummer, and 12 privates to the Tent. – The Assistant sent 1 Corporal & 4 privates. – Sent 8 Dozen of Plant Pots on shore. – Carpenters employed caulking as before.

 9 am: Sent one of the Carpenter's Crew on shore to the Tent. received a great supply from the shore to day – and served Pork & Bread fruit &c. – Unbent the Mainsail

12 noon: Fresh breezes and cloudy weather

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