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Revised Sep 1 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Feb 29, 1792

Remarks &c towards Otaheite 29th February 1792

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and cloudy weather – a swell from the westward.

 7 pm: Hauled down some of the steering sails.

 8 pm: Fire in all night to air the ship.

11 pm: Fresh breezes down Fore Top Mast steering sail – in 1st reef Fore & Mizen and 2nd reef Main Topsail.

 5 am: Out all reefs and set steering sails – Saw the same kind of birds as yesterday besides some rock weed – Served the usual breakfast. Cleaned below and aired ship with fires. Unbent the ol & bent the new Fore Top Sail. Some people employed new pointing the sail, and Carpenters making Chocks & repairing the Large Cutter. – Served Krout & Sweet Wort; and Borecole in the Pease for Dinner

12 noon: At Noon fresh breezes and hazy weather shortened sail for the Tender.
   Latitude Observed 47°:45′ South

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