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Revised Sep 1 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Feb 19, 1792

Remarks &c in Adventure Bay, Sunday 19th February 1792

 1 pm: Fresh breezes and cloudy with squalls

 2 pm: Some Fires were seen to the Northward.

 4 pm: Cleared Hawse and cleared the Decks.

 7 pm: Squalls and heavy rain received the 6th turn of Wood per Launch

12 mid: Fresh gales and squally weather

 3 am: Hard rain

 6 am: The Launch employed bringing Planks &c from the shore

 8 am: Squally with rain and hail, the air remarkably cold. The Wood Cutters detained on board some time from the badness of the weather. – Served Krout. Fresh coiled the Bower Cables and stowed Plank under them – Cleaned the Orlop Deck very well. received the 13th turn of Water per Launch, and some Wood

12 noon: Squally with hail and rain – The Air very cool.

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