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Revised Sep 1 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Feb 8, 1792

Remarks &c towards New Holland 8th February 1792

 1 pm: Fresh gales and cloudy in 3rd. reef Top Sails

 7 pm: Spoke the Assistant and found all well.

 8 pm: Let in fresh water and pumped it as usual.

 9 pm: Fresh breezes and hazy6 weather.

10 pm: Small rain.

11 pm: Moderate and cloudy – out 3rd. reef Top Sails

12 mid: Drizzling rain with heavy cloudy weather to the Northward.

 4 am: At daylight saw Van Dieman's Land, bearing from EbN to NNW off shore about 4 or 5 leagues – Saw a Cape Hen and several Porpoises – Made the land near the SW Cape, which is high, & one of the Islands to the NW of the Mewstone, apparently advanced from the Main

 7 am: At 7 the Mewstone EbN 4 leagues and the SW Cape NbE distant 7 or 8 miles

 8 am: At ½ past 8 the South Cape N65°E Mewstone N61°E 4 miles SW Cape N30°W Distant off shore 4 miles

10 am: Served Sour Krout & Sweet Wort as usual – Saw several Gannets.

12 noon: At Noon Cockscomb Hill N23°W – South Cape N34°E – Eddystone & Swilly (which have the appearance of two vessels under sail) S63°30′E (6 or 7 miles) Tasman Head N53°:30′E and the Mewstone S87°W distant offshore about 6 miles – Moderate breezes and fair weather. Assistant in company.
Remarked some smoke on the shore – No appearance of fertilization, but Hills barren in some parts, and covered with wood in others
   Latitude Observed 43°·46′ South

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