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Revised Aug 30 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Nov 2, 1791

Remarks &c Wednesday 2nd November 1791

 1 pm: Fresh gales and fine clear weather.

 4 pm: In 3rd. reef Fore and 2nd reef Main and Mizen Topsails

 5 pm: Fresh gale and fine clear weather handed the Mainsail. Saw a number of Pintada birds and some Albatrosses.

 9 pm: Ditto Weather a fire in the galley all night.

11 pm: A luminous appearance in the sea. Made the Assistant's signal to shorten sail
At ½ past 11 in 4th. reef Fore & Main Top Sails.

 1 am: Hard gales with squalls at times. Down Top Gallant Yards and furled the Top Sails.

 3 am: Set close reefed Main Top Sail.

 4 am: Set ye Fore Top Sail.

 6 am: Secured the Booms with preventer Lashings

 8 am: Cleaned below and aired with fires

10 am: Moderate and fine weather made the Assistant's signal to make more sail – Set Main Sail, Jib and Mizen Top Sail.

11 am: At 11 made more sail.

12 noon: Moderate and clear with a swell from the westward
   Latitude Observed 31°:29′ South

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