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Revised Aug 30 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Oct 27, 1791

Remarks &c Thursday 27th October 1791

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and dark cloudy weather

 3 pm: Drizzling rain.

 4 pm: Fair weather.

 5 pm: Dark cloudy weather with small rain. Saw Albatrosses, Pintada birds, and Sheerwaters of different kinds

 8 pm: Squally with rain; in Top Gallant sails, and 2nd. reef Mizen Top Sail.

12 mid: Fresh gales and cloudy.

 2 am: In 2nd. reef Fore Top Sail.

 4 am: Flying clouds and squalls at times – The air very cold.

 8 am: Cleaned below – Out 2nd. reef Fore Top sail.

10 am: Saw the same birds as before.

12 noon: Fresh gales and fair weather. Assistant in company
   Latitude Observed 38°:11′ South

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