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Revised Aug 30 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Oct 13, 1791

Remarks &c Thursday 13th October 1791

 1 pm: Fresh breezes and fine weather paid down the small bower cable.

 4 pm: Made the Assistant's signal to come within hail.

 6 pm: Backed the Main Top Sail and dropped the Jolly boat. Sent her on board the Assistant. Boat returned; hoisted her up and made sail. set up ye Top Gallant rigging

11 pm: Moderate and fine clear weather saw a Man of War bird

12 mid: Cloudy.

 4 am: Fine open weather with loose clouds.

 6 am: Squally.

 7 am: Moderate and fine. Roused up the sheet cable, cleaned below and aird with fires.

12 noon: Out 1st reefs – Saw a Man of War bird; and paid down the cable. Saw a Large flock of sea birds in pursuit of fish – Broached a cask of spruce beer – Assistant in company.
   Latitude Observed 19°·52′ South

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