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Revised Aug 30 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Oct 1, 1791

Remarks &c Saturday 1st October 1791

 1 pm: Moderate breezes and clear weather Employed working up Junk.

 3 pm: Saw 2 Men of War birds, several birds of the Gull species and some flying fish.

 5 pm: A swell from the Southward

 8 pm: Light breezes and cloudy – fires all nigh to air the ship

 5 am: Moderate and slight haze – the air very cool.

 7 am: Squally with small rain – Aired with Brodies stoves in the Cockpits.

 8 am: Moderate breeze and fine pleasant weather with cool atmosphere. Saw a vast number of Flying fish, and some Men of War birds. People employed washing and mending their clothes.

12 noon: Under single reef Top Sails & Top Gallant Sails. Assistant in company
   Latitude Observed: 1°·45′ North

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