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Revised Aug 29 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Sep 10, 1791

Remarks &c Saturday 10th September 1791

 1 pm: Fresh breezes and cloudy weather

 2 pm: Squally in 2nd. reef Top Sails – at 3 in 3rd. reef – Small rain

 4 pm: Moderate and hazy out 2nd. & 3rd. reefs and made sail. Saw a sail int the SW quarter

 6 pm: At 6 the Island of Bonavista, West end, South; and SE end of the Isle of Sal NEbE. The Isle of St. Nicholas WNW 9 Leagues

 9 pm: Light airs and cloudy weather

12 mid: Fresh breezes and fair.

 4 am: At 4 shortened sail and hove to Main Top Sail to the mast

 5 am: At ¼ past 5 made sail, the Island of Bonavista at daylight bore E½N 6 or 7 leagues – A small Land bird settled in the rigging.

 7 am: At ½ past 7 saw the Leton Rocks bearing S½E 6 or 7 miles – a heavy surf breaking on them

 9 am: Moderate breezes made sail. People employed washing and mending their Clothes – At 8 the Leton Rocks S10°E 6 or 7 miles – South end of Bonavista N78°E 6 leagues

12 noon: Moderate and fair, Leton Rocks N42°E distant 3 leagues – Cleaned below this morning
 The Assistant in company
   Latitude Observed:15°:42′ North

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