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Revised Aug 29 2021

Bond's Providence Logbook Jun 16-22, 1791

Remarks &c

June 1791

Thursday 16th  Strong gales with rain employed stowing the Booms & scraping the Quick-work – AM. Ditto Weather. employed making ropebands and Plats – Carpenters employed on board. A Brig fell on board of us and carried away the spritsail yard

Friday 17  Fresh breezes and cloudy received Sails and Carpenters stores AM fell overboard and was drowned Martin Kelly Seaman – Loosed Sails to dry – bent the Fore sail received the Pinnace from the yard – rigged the spritsail yard – Painters employed on board

Saturday 18  Ditto Weather. handed sails. received Boatswains stores with the sails from the yard – Employed making Plats for the Cables – rounded 5 fathoms of each bower cable – received 4 fathoms of wood – fresh Beef and some Provisions in casks

Sunday 19  Moderate and clear received 4 fathoms of wood and Boatswains stores AM. Ditto Weather. up Top Gallant Yards – Painters employed – Loosed Sails to dry – came on board the Pilot

Monday 20  Moderate and clear handed Sails – at 8 down Top Gallant yards AM. Ditto Weather. received 2 boxes of Essance of Spruce and a box of [?]

Tuesday 21  Ditto Weather. Employed working up Junk and clearing the Decks for dropping down the River – AM. Light Airs and cloudy – Loosed sails but the Master Assistant thought it advisable to pass the Lashings again
Ships Draught of Water Forward 14:10½ Abaft 15:2

Wednesday 22  Variable with squalls of rain. received Fresh Beef. At 2 PM. made the signal for Assistance – The riggers with a Launch and Kedge anchor attended the ship – Cast off from the Hulk and made sail – At 6 brought up in Gallions reach; veered away and moored on the small bower with one cable, to the NE, and ½ a cable on the best bower, to the SW – Hand sails, down Top Gallant yards. AM. Loosed Sails to dry

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