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Revised Aug 28 2021

Providence Logbook Jul 16, 1793

Remarks Tuesday 16th July 1793 Towards England

 1 pm: Fresh Breezes and fine Weather. Flying Fish seen & some Gulph Weed.

 2 pm: Unbent the Old Top Gallant Stay Sail and bent a New One. Sailmakers repairing lower Steering Sails.

 5 pm: Exercised Great Guns

 6 pm: Let fresh Water into the Well and Ventilated with the Pumps.

 7 pm: In Steering Sails and 1st Reefs

 8 pm: In 2nd Reef Main Top Sail and 3rd Reef the Fore Top Sail.

12 mid: Much Dew, and Strong Breezes, much head Sea.

 4 am: Out 3rd Reef of the Fore Top Sail.

 7 am: Served thick Portable Soup Gruel for Breakfast.

 8 am: Fresh Gales and fair Weather. Unbent the Old Main Top Gallant Sail to repair and bent the New One. Saw a Sail in the SE standing to the SW

 9 am: Washed below and Aired with Fires. Exercised Great Guns.

10 am: Converted the Main Top Gallant Stay Sail to a Main Top Gallant Steering Sail.

12 noon: Fresh Gales and heavy head Sea at times.
 Assistant, Packet, Thomas, & Clementson in Company.

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