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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Jun 15, 1793

Remarks Saturday 15th June 1793 Towards England

 1 pm: Calm and dark Cloudy Weather

 2 pm: Light Breeze, Weighed, the Antelope Packet and two light Guinea Men Sailed with us.

 4 pm: South Negril N64W, Johns Point N56W and the Ships on Savannah la Mar N6°E 5 or 6 Miles. The Dolphins head North.

 6 pm: Mustered the Ship's Company at their Quarters.

 7 pm: South Negril N5°W 6 or 7 Miles. Bluefields Mountains EbN

 1 am: Variable Winds and Weather with Lightning in the NW.

 3 am: At day light North Negril North and South Negril East about 3 Leagues and the Extremes of Jamaica from N65°E to S80°E.

 7 am: Tacked to speak a strange Sail. I found her to be the Rose Captain Black from Lucia bound to Bluefields, informed me the Assistant was with a dismasted Ship the Rochampton & gave me a letter from Lieut. Portlock

10 am: Washed and dried with Fires.

12 noon: Light Winds and Cloudy. The Extremes of Jamaica E½N to E¾S off the West and about 7 or 8 Leagues. The Packet and two Guinea Men in Company. One is called Thomas of Bristol and the other the Clementson of Liverpool.


The letter from Lieutenant Portlock informed me that on the 12th he had met with the Rochampton (Peter Aitkin) dismasted and in great distress off the West End. He had endeavored to get her into Negril Bay, but from a strong lee Current he found it impracticable, and even for himself to join me at Bluefields. Under these circumstances, and the Master applying to him to stay by them, he had come to a resolution to bare away for the Grand Cayman on the 14th. From Captain Black's account their situation was very deplorable, and I determined to fall in with them if possible to ensure to them Anchorage off the West End of the Grand Caymanes.

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