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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook May 26-Jun 2, 1793

Remarks at Port Royal Jamaica

1793 May

Monday [Sunday] 26 to June Sunday 2nd Very unsettled Weather with much Rain the first part of this Week and Thunder and Lightning. The Latter part Fair Weather. Fresh Beef as usual. Artificers Employed in the Yard. Employed Watering and preparing for Sea.
26 Arrived a Sloop Pirze to HMS Spitfire. Punished Richard Upsdale with 12 lashes for neglect of duty. Performed Divine Service.
27 Sailed HM Schooner Advice. Aired daily with Fires.
28 Arrived HMS Proserpine. Received 195 Pots & 2 Tubs & Plants from Kingston
29 Received 138 Pots of Plants. Received 379 Boxes and Tubs of Plants.
30 At 1 PM fired 19 Guns per Order, the Restoration of King Charles. Received 48 Packages of Plants. The Total being 762 Vessels. Received orders from Commodore Ford to get ready and proceed to Bluefields. Arrived HM Ships Europa & Fly.
31 Received 107 Bags of Bread, 908 Gallons of Rum for Sea Store. Sailed HM Brig Assistant for the North side to Convoy round to Bluefields such Ships as are ready. The Convoy is intended to Sail on the 12th June.
Ships draught of Water Aft 16 Feet..– Inches, Forward 14..9, 1..3 By the Stern
1st Received five Men from the Hospital. At 9 PM fired the Evening Gun and struck the Broad Pennant. Delivered it up to the Europa with all the Signals. AM Unmoored. Struck my Observatory.
2 Discharged 2 Men into HM Brig Goelan. All Ready for Sea.

Total of Provisions Received while here.
18032 pounds Bread
316 pounds Suet
1083 Gallons of Rum
11212 pounds Fresh Beef

An Account of Plants for His Majesty's Garden at Kew
Plants collected here by Dr Danser Amounting to 107 Vessels containing 134
Dr. Broughton and a Mr. Thame 56 Vessels 75
Dr. Wallen, Mr. Smith and a Mr. Perrin 237 Vessels 667
Total of Jamaica Plants     876
From Dr. Anderson at St. Vincent 338 Vessels containing 338
From St. Helena 7 Vessels containing 7
From Timor 25 Vessels Ditto 27
From Possession Island New Guinea 1 Vessel 1
From Otaheite 24 Vessels 32
From Van Diemans Land 1 Vessel 2
Total Vessels 796 Containing     1283

Among the above Plants were Fruits from Otaheite
Breadfruit Plants         Plants 5 in Number see 18th of June following
Rattah or Chesnut 2
Ayyah or Jambo 2
Avvee   Apple 1
Peeah   Sago flour 2
Oraiah   Plantain 1
Cocoa Nutt 2
Nono — Singular 3
Hoohee — Yam 2
From Timor.
Breadfruit Plants, Sucoom by the Malays 2
Chermailah 1
Lemon China 1
Cosambee 1
Nanka 4
Jambo 2
Mango 2
Boabidarah raised from Seed at Sea 2
From St. Helena
China Orange 1
From Jamaica
Custard Apple 3
Allicador Pear 2
Cabbage Tree 5
Ackee 5
Wild Mangostan 2
Naisberry 2
Total of Fruits    55


Kingston 20th March 1793.


I received last Saturday the Honor of your Letter of the 5th Instant, and have taken the first opportunity of laying it before the Committee appointed to act in the reception of the Breadfruit and other Valuable Plants lately received. I am authorized to assure you in their name of the high Sense they entertain of your exertions and great merit in bringing to so happy a conclusion the beneficent object of our most gracious Sovereign, in the arduous task he thought proper to commit to your charge.

The Committee, of which I have the honor to be Chairman, will at the meeting of the Assembly, report your Services to the House, and the high value they entertain of them.

Annexed you will find a Receipt for the various Plants delivered to the order of the Committee, and by them distributed in such manner as they have conceived best adapted to carry into effect his Majesty's most gracious intentions to his faithfull and loyal Subjects of Jamaica.

The necessary orders shall be given to the Persons employed to collect in different parts of this Island as many of the Plants proposed to be sent home for His Majesty's Garden at Kew, as the shortness of the time will permit, in order to have them ready to be shipped by the 1st. of next month according to your desire.

William Bligh Esquire
Commander of His Majesty's Ship

I have the honor to be
  Your most Obedient humble Servant.
    Henry Shirly Chairman of
      the Committee

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