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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Jan 22, 1793

Remarks Tuesday 22nd January 1793 Towards [St. Vincents]

 1 pm: Moderate Breezes and fine Weather. Bent the Cables.

 3 pm: At 3½ hours Assistant a head made the Signal for seeing land. The Island Barbadoes WbN from the Mast Head. Got up a new main Top Gallant Mast.

 6 pm: Barbadoes WNW.

 7 pm: Hove to and sent for Lieut. Portlock to give him some information respecting the getting into the Island St. Vincents.

 8 pm: At 8 hour Barbadoes NSbW distant 4 Leagues.

11 pm: At 11 hour The East end bore true North off Shore 3 or 4 Leagues.

12 mid: Fine Night Barbadoes NNW to NNE.
At ½ past 12 The West part of the Island bore true North.

 6 am: Barbadoes NE to ENE 8 or 9 Leagues. Saw St. Vincents from the Mast head WNW.

 8 am: Extremes of St. Vincents N75°W to N65°W about 12 Leagues.

 9 am: Washed and Cleaned Ship and Aired with Fires.

10 am: Spoke a Granada Sloop bound to Surinam with Slaves.

12 noon: Very fine Weather St. Vincents N58°W to N81°W 6 Leagues. St. Lucia N22°W to N27°W Granadines S79°W to S89°W.
   Assistant in Company.

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