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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Dec 15, 1792

Remarks Saturday 15th December 1792 [Towards] St. Helena

 1 pm: Moderate and Cloudy Weather and pleasant Air.

 3 pm: Mustered the People and examined all their Clothes and took an Account of them.

 4 am: Dark Cloudy Weather.

 6 am: I now considered myself in the Latitude of St. Helena.

 7 am: Served Hot Breakfast as usual.

 9 am: Bent the Cables. Washed all Clothes and Bags.

11 am: Washed below and Aired with Fires.

12 noon: Very Cloudy Weather and pleasant Air. A bright interval gave us a good Observation, as it did some Observations for the Longitude in the Morning.
   Assistant in Company.

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