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Revised Aug 27 2021

Providence Logbook Sep 22, 1792

Remarks Saturday 22nd September 1792 Towards Timor

 1 pm: Fair Weather and Hazy. Set Main Top Mast and Top Gallant Steering Sails.
Brig took the Boats in tow.

 5 pm: Spoke the Assistant. One of the Men who was wounded with an Arrow still unwell.

 7 pm: In 2nd Reefs and hauled the Wind for the Night tacking every 3 Hours. I desired Lieut. Portlock to lead in the Morning without Boats a head.

 5 am: At 5¾ Bore away. Out Reefs and set Steering Sails.

 7 am: Served Portable Soup Gruel for Breakfast.

 8 am: Washed and Cleaned Ship fore and aft. Caught a Porpoise.

11 am: Made the Signal to the Assistant to Steer WNW

12 noon: Fine Weather and very Hazy. Studding Sails and all Sails set.
 Assistant a head. No Birds about. Caught a porpoise.

 The Soundings in general a fine Sand and blueish kind of mud.


I considered it proper to spend the Night under small Sail and short Boards, and directed Lieut. Portlock to lead & ware [wear] per Signal every two Hours. I ordered him to make all possible Sail at dawn of day, and lead without the Boats, as they detained us. At ½ past 10 I made the Signal to Steer WNW, the Water had shoalned, and I determined to get into the Latitude of 9°..00 South to steer clear of Wessels Isles which in Robertson's late Publication are laid down from 9°..18′S to 9°..39′S Longitude 135°..15′E, 26 Leagues to the Southward of the Arrow Isles.

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